Category: <span>Events</span>

Online Seminars on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, 2023 Edition – February 1st 2023, 14:30

Organizers: Italia De Feis and Flavio Lombardi (Cnr-Iac) Overparametrization in machine learning: insights from linear models Andrea Montanari Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Statistics, and (by courtesy) Department of Mathematics, Stanford University Mercoledì 1 Febbraio 2023 – 14.30 IAC Youtube Channel: Abstract: Deep learning models are often …

“Paving the way for strategic autonomy: The role of R&I on materials for the clean energy transition”
1° December

December 1st the European Energy Research Alliance organizes the webinar: Paving the way for strategic autonomy: The role of R&I on materials for the clean energy transition One obstacle to the energy transition is the growing need of critical materials for the production of components and devices. R&D play a …

Online Seminars on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, 2022 Edition – Wed May 18th

How Framelets Enhance Graph Neural Networks (Seminar in English) Martedì 4 Maggio 2021 – ore 14.30 Yu Guang Wang Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences & University of New South Wales Leipzig – Germany & Sidney – Australia Diretta Youtube SLIDE This work presents a new approach for …